Blackberry and Crumble are the dogs, not a comment on baking. These are, as we always tell people, great names for dogs until you have to stand in a field shouting them, and then you just sound like a bit of a wally...

Welcome to my thoughts, ponderings and crafty adventures.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

he has a secret identity, and his name is Bob...

It plays on your mind blogging. I can't say that I have done things differently as a result of having the blog (for all of the 24 hours) - however artistically you take the photo, cleaning the house and sitting in my pyjamas writing an assignment are not going to be blog worthy, but the blog has come up in conversation a few times and I have been reading others blogs from a slightly changed perspective.

I showed my 10 year old what I'd written and he said I was funny - that pleased me. I probably only have a couple of years before I move from the funny category to embarrassing so I should make the most of it. We then had a conversation about what I should call him on the blog to preserve his privacy (although given that most of the people reading this will be friends visiting from facebook this seems slightly unnecessary). I was thinking along the lines of Tiny Tin Bird (from Little Tin Bird) or Little Man (from Attic 24) but he has very clearly told me that he wishes to be known as Bob. My husband has told me that he wishes to be known as he who must be obeyed. This is, however a blog, and not fiction so we will have to give this further thought.

The blog statistics are interesting. My first post had 56 views. These can't all of been me (a good few were, but not all of them). There were 10 views from America,1 from Spain and 1 from France. Who are these people - if you come back, let me know. I have vowed to stop being a lurker on blogs - if I read something and I like it I should let the writer know - as my niece would say, its only doing your manners.

I am a vicarious reader of blogs - of all sorts - I've not bought a magazine for years; quilting, crochet, food, life and I'm not clear what this bog will add to the masses that are already out there - I can't imagine that I'll add a great deal to the considered opinions, recipes, tutorials, beautiful photos of fulfilled family life. Maybe it will just be a place for my musings...


  1. In a spirit of not lurking, I came by. I am reading everything, as you may have noticed...

  2. Thank you... You are my top commenter and should have a prize... Comments are great and while writing for its own sake is fun, I'm loving this 'community' and would love to be part of it...
